martes, 26 de octubre de 2010

on day at earth

I like both videos that Mr Mark showed to us. The videos shows to us how is one normal day in the wordl. It show to us over the 7 continent and the 192 countries. In every place it is different, because of what is happening the weather the location etc. It really make us value more our life and enjoy it. I think that the message that the video trias to tell us is that in other places or her there are always people born and dieting sleeping or at work, truing to turn of a fire truing to turn on a fire, some people paying other sitting. Putting camares in different places and see ing what people do.

I found a chink very powerful that one where a kid is running and playing and suddenly another us when a kid is walking with out a leg. That chink is very powerful because you can see the kiss with out a leg and he stills live because he wants. While other people loose something and they don't want to live any more. The kid with out a leg enjoys life but not as much as before.

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